Naruto Uzumaki, a mischievous adolescent ninja, struggles as he searches for recognition and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the villages leader and strongest ninja. Naruto is my number 2 favorite anime, with One Piece being my number 1 and Dragon ball Z being my 9th favorite. With Junko Takeuchi, Maile Flanagan, Kate Higgins, Chie Nakamura. It is developed by Studio Pierrot and directed by Hayato Date.2944 ABS-CBN is the first TV network outside Japan to broadcast Naruto: Shippuden it aired the first 40 episodes of Naruto: Shippuden, running the show through March 19, 2008.
Disturbing Violent Content, Harsh Language, Horror Effects, Gore, sexual content, Sexual Inuendo, Brief Nudity, Demonic Themes, Unsettling Images, Grossout Violent content and Torture Now don't get me wrong, when i first started watching this show, i was pretty damn sure it was gonna be another one piece or dragon ball Z knockoff but to my surprise this show has depth, drama, comedy, Horror and Suspense all rolled into one.granted some of the episodes are like your worst nightmare, however this isn't like dragon ball Z where most of the villains talk so much crap that it ticks you off, no its quite the opposite, save 1 and thats The lead Villain which they wont let me say who really makes me mad, he's such a sick freak that it makes the Squad 12 captain from Bleach look tame, yeah he's that bad and Kabuto, god that kid really made me mad, it makes me wish they killed both of them off in the 4th season and did away with it but, they had to drag it over too Naruto Shippuden.which is by far more graphic than this one. The TV adaptation of Naruto: Shippuden debuted in Japan on Februon TV Tokyo.
#Tv tokyo anime naruto shippuden series#
Okay, let me start out by saying this show should be Rated TV-MA for the following Reasons: 1. An anime series following Naruto Uzumaki, a loud, hyperactive, adolescent ninja who constantly searches for approval and strives to live up to the legend of Hokage, the leader and strongest of all ninjas in the village.